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ELECTION DATE : November 8, 2022

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I am running to be your next State Senator:

  • To represent this district and the people who live in it in order to make it a better, safer, and healthier place to live;

  • To address the COVID crisis’ impact on jobs, housing, education, and the economy; 

  • To work to establish universal healthcare for all;

  • To advocate for livable wages so that one full-time job can pay for housing and other living expenses;  

  • To promote education because it is the foundation for success;

  • To protect and preserve the environment for us and for our future generations, since right now, planet earth is still our only home;

  • To promote housing to address our homelessness crisis;

  • To advocate for public safety and criminal justice reform;

  • To support small businesses, and find ways to retain businesses in the State of California in order to return it to a robust economy;

  • To be accessible to the people of this community; represent them; create solutions for their pressing needs and to keep everyone informed.


Why You Should Vote For Me

I will provide transparency; keep an open door policy; meet regularly with members of this community and keep you informed. My legal background will enable me to propose, evaluate and advocate  for laws that will benefit this district. My history of public service to this community assures you that I will be the lookout for your best interests and not be swayed by special interest groups whose interests conflict with our community’s needs. I will work to create jobs and keep taxes to a minimum. I will help to improve the economy and our environment by promoting the development of clean energy public infrastructure. I will work to increase affordable housing and support small businesses. I will address the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our education, health, and welfare. I will work tirelessly to improve our district and I will never give up until we accomplish what is best for our community. 

Supporting the Carpenters' Union to Protect Jobs in our District

Supporting Activists to Keep Healthy Food in our Neighborhood

    Support for Small Businesses and Incentives to Keep Large Businesses in the State Which Will Guarantee Us Jobs with Livable Wages and Covered Childcare Expenses.Support for Small Businesses and Incentives to Keep Large Businesses in the State Which Will Guarantee Us Jobs with Livable Wages and Covered Childcare Expenses. Ms. Turner supports small business grants and tax incentives to help sustain businesses in order to create and expand job opportunities in California that pay livable wages. She has advocated to award government contracting opportunities to small, minority, women-owned, and disabled veteran-owned businesses for them to provide services towards the construction of public works projects. She supports the local hiring of those who live in the area where public projects are being constructed. As we work towards building a more sustainable environment, new jobs and other opportunities will be created to meet those needs and demands.
    Develop More Affordable Housing through Density Bonuses and Subsidies Designed to Prevent the Displacement of our Neighbors Due to the Lack of Affordable Housing and GentrificationDevelop More Affordable Housing through Density Bonuses and Subsidies Designed to Prevent the Displacement of our Neighbors Due to the Lack of Affordable Housing and Gentrification We must keep people housed. As a board member and President of a housing association, Ms. Turner has worked for fair housing policies by developing best practices in the industry and for rent affordability. She also serves as a member of a redevelopment corporation that constructs and manages housing projects so that low-income Senior Citizens will permanently have affordable places to live. During the pandemic, Ms. Turner was one of the first to advocate that the government take on the task of creating rent and mortgage assistance programs to help keep tenants and homeowners housed during the economic shutdown.
    100% Use of Renewable Energy by 2030 with a Public Infrastructure Rebuild Program to Create Good Paying Jobs100% Use of Renewable Energy by 2030 with a Public Infrastructure Rebuild Program to Create Good Paying Jobs Ms. Turner cares deeply about the environment and nature. She will work to preserve and maintain our parklands and coastlines. Her philosophy is that everyone is entitled to clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. She has served as our Los Angeles area representative to the South Coast Air Quality Management District and fought for clean air in our neighborhoods. As a lawyer, she brought legal challenges to stop the use of harmful pesticides causing toxic exposure to us from chemicals in the food we eat, injuries to farmworkers, and damage to the environment.
    Tuition-Free Community College; the Forgiveness of Student Loans After Working in Underserved Areas or in the Military Services; and Additional Funding for Early Childhood Education. Tuition-Free Community College; the Forgiveness of Student Loans After Working in Underserved Areas or in the Military Services; and Additional Funding for Early Childhood Education. Ms. Turner believes that a good education is the foundation for future success. As a lawyer, she successfully brought a legal challenge and obtained an injunction to stop the civil rights violations of high school students in the Compton Unified School System when the district used an illegal grading system that artificially lowered the student’s grade point averages and prevented them from being accepted into college. The illegal grading system was stopped, and ultimately the school district was returned to local school district control. Ms. Turner serves on a commission that oversees the licensing of healthcare educational institutions throughout the state of California. She supports the allocation of the state’s budget towards ensuring that teachers receive decent pay; that students of every zip code receive necessary educational resources; funding for pre-k education to prepare children for their future educational success; internet access for students, training programs, and early apprenticeships in trade technical colleges and free community college for first-time students.
    We Must Build More Affordable Housing and Provide the Supportive Services Needed to Reduce Homelessness We Must Build More Affordable Housing and Provide the Supportive Services Needed to Reduce Homelessness We can address the homelessness crisis by creating public-private partnerships to build more affordable housing through tax incentives, and by removing the “red-tape” obstacles that exist to building more affordable housing. We must fight to overturn the restrictions that prevent the government from building needed low-income housing. Effective supportive services must be provided to those suffering from mental illnesses, domestic violence, drug addiction or other social issues to help keep them housed.


California's 28th State Senate District includes Los Angeles, Culver City, Inglewood, Ladera, Baldwin Hills, Century City, Crenshaw, Leimert Park, Mar Vista, Palms, Mid-City, West Los Angeles, Westwood, View Park, Windsor Hills, Portions of Santa Monica and Beverly Hills

List of ZIP Codes in California State Senate District 28

90001, 90002, 90003, 90004, 90006, 90007, 90008, 90011, 90012, 90013, 90014, 90015, 90016,90017, 90018, 90019, 90021, 90022, 90024, 90025, 90026, ,90034, 90035, 90036, 90037, 90042, 90043, 90044, 90045, 90047, 90048, 90049, 90056, 90057, 90058, 90062, 90064, 0065, 90066, 90067, 90068, 90071, 90089, 90094, 90212, 90230,90232, 90250, 90265, 90272, 90274, 90275, 90277, 90278, 90291, 90292, 90293, 90301, 90304, 90305, 90404, 90405, 90501, 90503, 90602, 90604, 90638, 90640, 90638, 90640, 90660, 90703, 90731, 90802, 90803, 90804, 90805, 90806, 91010, 91030, 91103,91105, 91204, 91302, 91321, 91326, 91331, 91335, 91342, 91343, 91354, 91355, 91364, 91367, 91381, 91387, 91403, 91411, 91504, 91601, 91710,91740, 91750, 91773, 92587, 93534, 93535, 93536, 93543, 93550, 93551, 93552, 93591 

Join The Cheryl Turner Campaign

Californians must be registered to vote at least

15 days before Election Day. Click HERE for more info.   

Cheryl Turner Headquarters

445 Figueroa Street, Suite 3100, Los Angeles, California 90071

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Copyright © Cheryl Turner | All Rights Reserved | Paid for by Turner for Senate 2022, FPPC # 1416707 | Website designed by MR Cooper Design

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